NNYARA ‘Junk in the Trunk"

NNYARA "Junk In The Trunk"



Northern New York Amateur Radio Association second annual “Junk In The Trunk” Hamfest in Speculator Saturday, August 12, 2023

A hamfest is an event where Amateur Radio operators (“hams”) buy, sell, and swap equipment; meet other hams; discuss technical information and other ham radio topics; offer exams for new and upgraded licenses, and generally have a good time.

The Northern New York Amateur Radio Association will hold the second annual “Junk In The Trunk” hamfest on Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM at the Speculator Pavilion and ball field. There is no admission and the event is open to the public.

If you have any interest in radio communications, this would be a good event to visit. You do not have to be a licensed ham radio operator to attend. Information on how to get your license will be available.

The NNYARA is an association of clubs and individual hams in the American Radio Relay League’s NNY Section (Hamilton, Fulton, Montgomery, Franklin, Essex, Clinton, St Lawrence, Jefferson, and Lewis Counties). More information about the association and the event is available at http://nnyara.org. You may also contact Northern New York Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service Coordinator Peter Newell KC2WI at 518-548-3843 or by email at kc2wi (at) atspn.com.


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